Spring and Summer time is here!
What a beautiful outdoor intake and a great time to have Family outdoor sessions. One of the most popular session in May and June are sessions with your child.
Clients are thrilled to be able to have these moments to be captured with their children. 7 out of 10 times, clients do not have the coordination down pack or they have the coordination of outfits but it clashes with the location. I thought it would be incredible to use this blog to give some snippets on how to coordinate colors with locations and outdoors.
Spring and Summer time expresses freshness and bright and calm colors. It is daring and so great to wear dark solid colors. However, try to stay away from those colors during this time of year. Remember the session that you are going to take with your photographer is ever lasting and it is nothing wrong with showing of some color here and there. In fact color actually pops out the family at the location. Its an entire different vibe for real!
Check out my Pintrest Board that shows different samples of clothing style for all season.
You can still be on a budget and look GREAT!
Below, I will give you 3 pointers for location and color palettes for clients to use for sessions. These are for outdoors sessions

Parks are great for families. There is so much to capture within the time you requested. Spring and Summer time is a great time to avoid heavy dark colors. Alot of clients love the jean look which is an easy pull off. With a jean blue or light jean blue outfit, your child/children can wear any soft and calm colors with your outfit and blend perfectly.
Also, because there are so many full bloomed trees. adding color helps you to make your session fun and colorful.
Colors that compliments the jean textured look:
Light green, pink, purple ,orange, yellow, blue

White spaces
I classify white spaces that have tall pillars, indoor photo studios with white surroundings, or memorials (Lincoln). This type of location gives you open space.Any light colors for the Spring and Summer time will do.
Avoid: Try to avoid too many pattern outfits, it tend to throw off the entire image. If a person is wearing a plaid shirt, another person can wear a color from the plaid shirt and everyone can take on that same color in different hues. Also wearing white as well. White meaning, Wearing all white. Having a white shirt is justifiable.

City Vibes (Urban Look)
Urban family look is your, "not so normal photo session". However, it creates more fun. There is so much going on in the area, you want to avoid blending in. Study where you want your location to be, then wear an outfit that makes you stand out. Most city areas have alot of bricks and glass building. Wear something comfortable. A great suggestion is to wear something thats laid back and chilled. Bring props too to make the images fun. Remember the props do not need to be in every shot. Hats are helpful too when. wearing outfits in the city for a shoot.
Avoid: Super soft outfits , It will clash with the locations.